Author: P K Mishra
Editor(s): P K Mishra
Publisher: Abhinav Publications
Year: 1999
Language: English
Pages: 413
ISBN/UPC (if available): 817017368X
This book carries a collection of thirty essays on various aspects of Hindu and Buddhist Art and Iconography contributed by Indian and foreign scholars. These represent deep insight and new interpretations based on sound scholarship and accounts.
While intended to commemorate the loving memory of Professor Kalyan Kumar Dasgupta, the book is a fitting tribute to the great savant.
A Contemporary Iconic Tradition
A Note on Usnisa-Sitatapatra Pratyamgira
A Rare Imatge of Natambara
Architecture and Town-Planning in the Puranas
Birds in Ancient Indian Art
Emergence of Avalokitesvara
Four Images of the Buddhist Goddess Aparajita
Horse and Horse-headed Deity of North-Eastern India
Influence of Brahmanism on Earkly Siamese Art
Lakulisa to Rajaguru
Parsvanatha Images at Ellora
Lord Shiva and Siva Icons in Assam
The Background of Mushal Painting
The Five Deities of Pancopasana
The Mihrabs in the 14th Century Adina Mosque in Pandua, India
Twenty-four forms of Visnu Discovered on the Outer Wall of Jagannatha Temple
Two Rare Matrka Images from Lower Bengal
Brahmna in Early Medieval Kashmir
Dance at the Crossroads
An Early Source of Kathak
Introduction of Buddhist Philosopy in China
Jainism vis-à-vis Brahmnaism andBuddhism - A Syncretistic Approach
Organised Bodhisattvas
Our Ethical and Spirtual hjeritage
Sarasvati Vac, the Sacral Word and the Supreme Cosmic Goddess
Some Aspects of Laotian Culture
The Gopala-Krsna sub-sect in Rajasthan
The Hermeneutics of Swami Vivekananda
Theravada Buddhist Liturgy
Zen Buddhism in Japan - A Comparative Study