Author: Osho
Translator(s)/ Editors(s): Swami Amano Surdham / Ma Deva Sarito
Publisher: Diamond
Year: 2007
Language: English
Pages: 335
ISBN/UPC (if available): 818419-2525/2509
This set of 2 books contains 13 discourses of Osho in interactive sessions with his disciples.
Osho is one of the most original minds in this second half of the twentieth century. Reading him is sheer pleasure. Osho is undoubtedly a master of words and knows how to use them.
The Alchemy of Enlightenment
Everything that you have done before you became enlightened, everything that you have been before you became aware of your tremendous beauty, of your eternal life, will take a different meaning after your enlightenment.
To you and to those who are close to you, the enlightenment will make such a great difference.
It is the enlightenment that changes the meaning of all his experiences, gives them a new color, a new light, a new luminosity. The same incidents start having a totally new meaning.
It is the alchemy of enlightenment that everything has become pure gold, that small and meaningless things have taken wings and have become great.
Osho is one of the most original minds in this second half of the twentieth century. Reading him is sheer pleasure. Osho is undoubtedly a master o words and knows how to use them…He should be read. Many passages from his books are quotable, I wish I had written them myself.
- M V Kamath
Secret of Disciplehood
So as far as I am concerned, to be persecuted from one country to another country, from one land to another land, from one mob to another mob, is just a game. Knowing perfectly well, so absolutely certain, that the truth is with me, it does not matter.
Even if the whole is against me it makes no difference.
It he joyful and playful-from my side. And to be crucified for the sake of truth, for the sake of the future, for the sake of the evolution of human consciousness, is the only way one can conceive a beautiful death.
The Alchemy of Enlightenment
The Alchemy of Enlightenment
Whatsoever Happens In Silence is Your Friend
Unless the Whole Existence
I Am Crazy But You are Crazier!
You are the Watcher Not the Actor
Discarding the Container, Discovering the Content
Truth has to Wait-But Not To Wait Forever
Secret of Disciplehood
Beyond Science is Knowing
The Art of Remembering Who You Are
The Truth is Always Individual
Saying Thank You to an Empty Room
Don’t Come Down, Go Higher!
Responsibility: The Very First Step of Freedom